Post Message Integration for analytics

Post Message Integration for analytics

Post Message Integration for analytics

Ivory Studio makes it easy to push the analytics data of interactive videos via Post Message to the next layer of the website. This provides insight in the performance and impact of the interactive video. Moreover, this allows users to collect data to their own source and combine different datasets for the best possible interpretation of data.  

Use PostMessage 

To use PostMessage into your website first add a PostMessage listener to your website where the interactie video is embedded.
For additional information about PostMessage please check this article. 


The following parameters are available.

Is activated as soon as the Ivory Player is loaded
for internal use only

Is activated as soon as the video is made available on the concerning webpage / device.

for internal use only
Is activated as soon as the browser is closed
viewed playing, seeking
iv.playIs activated as soon as the interactive video is played.
Is activated as soon as the interactive video is paused
Heartbeat of the timeline
duration, playing, time
Is activated as soon as an element is shown within the interactive video.
ivElementId, ivElementLabel
Is activated as soon as a viewer interacts with an element.
ivElementId, ivElementLabel, ivInteraction
Is activated as soon as the element is passed.
ivElementId, ivElementLabel
Is activated as soon as the player is seeking / buffering after a jump in the timeline
ivElementId, ivElementLabel

Explanation Data

id of an element that is assigned by Ivory Studio

Label of an element that is assigned by the video’s creator. 

The action that is performed by the viewer. The following interactions can be activated by the viewer: [click, mouseover] 
Duration of timeline in miliseconds
playing / seeking
true or false
playtime in miliseconds
viewedThe time between iv_start and iv_videoUnload. Attention! not all browser will send the iv_videoUnload event by closing browser

Helpfull tools

This script will help you to show the data in the developers console of your browser. This will help you to find out which interaction is needed.

With timeupdate event
window.addEventListener('message', function(ev) {
   const message = JSON.parse(; 

Without timeupdate event
window.addEventListener('message', function(ev) {
   const message = JSON.parse(; 
   if (message.type != 'timeupdate') {

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