You can adjust the play-button and home screen style displayed at the beginning of the video through the parameters in the embed code. This allows you to change both the color of the play button, and the opacity of the overlay.
You can adjust the play-button and home screen style displayed at the beginning of the video through the parameters in the embed code. This allows you to change both the color of the play button, and the opacity of the overlay.
A parameter is a variable that is added to the URL in the form of a querystring. Parameters exist in a range of categories and can activate many different functions. It is possible to add multiple parameters at once. This is done in the following way:
The first parameter always starts with a ‘?’ sign. Following parameters are separated by an ‘&’ sign.
Parameter: iv_player_overlay_opacity
Value: 0 – 100
Example: iv_player_overlay_opacity=90
The value indicates the opacity of the dark layer. A value of 0 indicates complete transparency, while a value of 100 indicates a completely black overlay.
Parameter: iv_player_playbutton_color
Value: 33AA33 (hexadecimal colorcode)
Example: iv_player_playbutton_color=33AA33
The parameters are activated by adding them to the URL in the embed code. Example of code: