Analytics dashboard

Analytics dashboard

Statistics for interactive video

Analytics helps you gain insight in the click- and view behavior of your target audience. It is a display for user statistics that are collected by the player. By actively monitoring these statistics, you can gain valuable feedback and insight in the ways in which your video is used. This allows you to constantly optimize your video projects. The data is presented on a comprehensible dashboard. You can open the dashboard by selecting ‘Analytics’ in the main menu. 

Statistics on account- and project level 

If you select ‘All Projects’ in the analytics section of the dropdown menu (upper left), statistics will be shown on the level of the account. The dashboard will display the overall statistics of all published projects on the account. As soon as you choose a specific project, the statistics will be displayed on the project level. The dashboard will only show the statistics of the selected project. It will display the same metrics that are also shows on the account level, but complimented withstatistics on the level of elements.  The analytics dashboard displays the following user statistics. 

Usage metrics
Number of times the video has been viewed
Unique views
Number of unique views of your video
Number of times the video has been loaded
Unique impressions
Number of times the player has been loaded by a unique user
Total number of interactions (clicks + mouseovers)
Interactions average
Average amount of interactions per view
View time
Total of the viewing time
View time average
Average viewing time per display

Client metrics
Users per country (%)
Distribution of the use of mobile devices versus desktop computers and  laptop (%)
Distribution of use per operating system (%)
Distribution of use per different webbrowsers (%)

Choose a timeperiod by selecting one in the menu, located to the upper right of your screen.

Statistics at the element level

When you consult the analytics of a specific project, you will be provided with the option to see statistics at the element level. This means you can monitor the use of different elements, like media or components. The element table is located to the right side of the screen. An expanded version can be found under the `Elements´ tab. Here you can see how many times the elements that are on the timeline were shown and how frequently viewers click on interactive elements. The following statistics are provided.

Elements metrics
Indication of the element type, like video, image, audio, component or widget
Name label of the element

Number of times the element has been displayed

Unique impressions

Number of unique displays of the element


Number of interactions with the element (click + mouseover)

Unique interactions

Number of unique interactions with the element (click + mouseover)

Number of mouseovers of the element
Unique mouseovers
Number of unique mouseovers of the element

Number of clicks on the element

Unique clicks
Number of unique clicks on the element
Response time

Average time between the start of the element and the moment of interaction(s)

The tables can be sorted per column. This allows you, for example, to sort on the basis of views or clicks. 

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